

Arduino Motor Control Via Bluetooth

Arduino - Control DC Motor via Bluetooth

Hi guys,
In this project we will control a DC motor with a smartphone via bluetooth. This project is great to learn more about:
-DC motor
-Interfacing Arduino with your smartphone
-Bluetooth module

Step 1: Parts required

1x Arduino Uno
1x Bluetooth Module (for example: HC-05)
1x Smartphone (any Android will work)
BlueTerm application
1x L293D IC
1x DC motor
1x Breadboard
Jumper Cables

Step 2: Schematics and common mistakes

 * Control DC motor with Smartphone via bluetooth
 * 2013
int motorPin1 = 3; // pin 2 on L293D IC
int motorPin2 = 4; // pin 7 on L293D IC
int enablePin = 5; // pin 1 on L293D IC
int state;
int flag=0;        //makes sure that the serial only prints once the state

void setup() {
    // sets the pins as outputs:
    pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
    // sets enablePin high so that motor can turn on:
    digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
    // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:

void loop() {
    //if some date is sent, reads it and saves in state
    if(Serial.available() > 0){    
      state =;  
    // if the state is '0' the DC motor will turn off
    if (state == '0') {
        digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW); // set pin 2 on L293D low
        digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW); // set pin 7 on L293D low
        if(flag == 0){
          Serial.println("Motor: off");
    // if the state is '1' the motor will turn right
    else if (state == '1') {
        digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW); // set pin 2 on L293D low
        digitalWrite(motorPin2, HIGH); // set pin 7 on L293D high
        if(flag == 0){
          Serial.println("Motor: right");
    // if the state is '2' the motor will turn left
    else if (state == '2') {
        digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH); // set pin 2 on L293D high
        digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW); // set pin 7 on L293D low
        if(flag == 0){
          Serial.println("Motor: left");

For the android communication with our bluetooth module I’ve used the BlueTerm app, It’s completely free, so you just need to go to “Play store” and download it. Then you just need to connect your smarthphone with the bluetooth module. Remember to remove the TX and RX cables. (you can see in youtube video below how that’s done).

Step 4: Final Product

I’ve only set 3 commands to control the DC motor:

    ’0′ – Turns off the DC motor
    ’1′ – DC motor rotates to right
    ’2′ – DC motor rotates to left