

Arduino Bluetooth Module HC-05 With Andriod

ArduDroid: A Simple 2-Way Bluetooth-based Android Controller for Arduino

  • Breadboard wiring and electronics skills.
  • Arduino Uno.
  • HC-05 Bluetooth serial module.


ArduDroid (formerly Andruino) is a simple tool to help you control your Arduino (or clone) from your Android phone. It's both an Android app and an Arduino program. ArduDroid has a simple Android user interface to 1) control Arduino's digital and PWM pins 2)  send text commands to Arduino 3) and receive data from  Arduino over Bluetooth serial using the ever popular and really cheap (less than $10 from ebay) HC-05 Bluetooth over serial module.  This app has been tested and designed for the HC-05 Serial Bluetooth module. Other Bluetooth modules may or may not work. Please see comments section for users who tried other Bluetooth modules with this app.

Arduino With HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Hc-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

In this instructable I will show you how to make an ultrasonic sensor (hc-sr04) that measures distances up to 200 cm.
Step 1: Parts And Tools
These are the parts and tools needed to make this project:

LED Cube Using Arduino With CODE

The 4x4x4 LED cube (Arduino)

In this instructable I will show you how to make a 4x4x4 LED cube that will be controlled by an Arduino Demulionove. now yes you might say" that Arduino has only 14 I/O pins well also the 6 analog pins can be used as pins 15,16,17,18,19,20. that way giving us enough pins (16 columns + 4layers = 20 I/O pins)

This instructable is made for those who know how to solder (well) and how to program the Arduino. Also I will be providing detours to skip sum steps so if you see (Detour available skip to __ Step) you can follow if you are to lazy to do that.

Arduino With Speaker

Playing Wave file using arduino

This is a simple circuit to play wav files using arduino Nano V3.0 ,it consist from 4 buttons ,each one play specific wav file loaded to SD card.

Arduino Motor Control Via Bluetooth

Arduino - Control DC Motor via Bluetooth

Hi guys,
In this project we will control a DC motor with a smartphone via bluetooth. This project is great to learn more about:
-DC motor
-Interfacing Arduino with your smartphone
-Bluetooth module

Connecting a 12V relay to Arduino

Connecting a 12V relay to Arduino

To connect a 12V relay to the Arduino you need the following things:

- 1 Arduino

- 1 diode for example 1N4007

- 1 NPN transistor for example 2N2222 (in the US) or BC548 (in Europe)

- 1 relay for example one with coil voltage 12V and switching voltage 125VAC/10 A

- 1 multimeter

How to program ATTINY 45/85 with Arduino

Program an ATtiny with Arduino

Follows are directions for programming the ATtiny microcontrollers using the Arduino IDE. In plain English, this is how to program 8-pin Atmel chips as you would normally an Arduino. This is cool because the ATtiny is tiny, and - well - this allows you to make tiny things that don't need a big ol' microcontroller.

The instructions I have posted here are pretty much the same as instructions given by the incredibly awesome High-Low Tech Tutorial. I posted my version of the instructions here because I plan to make a couple of upcoming projects using ATtiny chips and figured I would show my process.

Arduino Ethernet Shield Tutorial

Arduino Ethernet Shield Tutorial

The Arduino Ethernet Shield allows you to easily connect your Arduino to the internet. This shield enables your Arduino to send and receive data from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. You can use it to do fun stuff like control robots remotely from a website, or ring a bell every time you get a new twitter message. This shield opens up endless amounts of possibility by allowing you to connect your project to the internet in no-time flat.

Simple Object Avoiding Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 + Code

Arduino HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Rover

Simple Arduino Rover with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor. 

Step 1: 

Arduino With PIR Motion Detector

Arduino Basics: PIR Sensors

Welcome to the next installment of Arduino Basics!

This instructable will teach you how to use a PIR sensors with the arduino, and we wil build a simple motion detector!

Step 1: Supplies

For this instructable you will need the following:

1 arduino (with protoshield to make life easy)
1 LED of any color
1 PIR sensor from Parallax (you can find these at most radio shacks)
Solid wire to hook it up

Introduction To Arduino Robotic Platform - Every Step Explained For Beginners

Intro to Arduino

An Arduino is an open-source microcontroller development board. In plain English, you can use the Arduino to read sensors and control things like motors and lights. This allows you to upload programs to this board which can then interact with things in the real world. With this, you can make devices which respond and react to the world at large.

For instance, you can read a humidity sensor connected to a potted plant and turn on an automatic watering system if it gets too dry. Or, you can make a stand-alone chat server which is plugged into your internet router. Or, you can have it tweet every time your cat passes through a pet door. Or, you can have it start a pot of coffee when your alarm goes off in the morning.

Basically, if there is something that is in any way controlled by electricity, the Arduino can interface with it in some manner. And even if it is not controlled by electricity, you can probably still use things which are (like motors and electromagnets), to interface with it.

Everyone Can Build A Robot.

First Step To Learn Robotics - ARDUINO MICRO CONTROLLER


Hi to Arduino robot makers. Today I’m going to share with you about the arduino platform using ARDUINO MEGA 2560 development board.  I have selected the MEGA, because it has more pins. You can choose any arduino compatible board. Here is my board.. It is a cheapest clone from this model I think.It cost me about 16 dollars.

Are you a beginner to electronics? It's not a problem for this start.Actually it is not need to know anything about this platform before you start. At start I'm also like you.Only thing you need is the thirst for electronics. If you know C language, it will help you to program this board. But it is not a must.Must is unique ideas for new programs.Share each other what you learn.

Here is small description about this platform.The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the chip ATmega2560 .It has 54 digital input output pins (of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to the laptop with a USB cable to power it and for programming or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. Its input voltage should be 6 to 20 volts. Recommended is 7 to 12 volts. Maximum DC current from input output pin is 40 mille ampere .